Sleep Videos

All our videos

The London Sleep Centre and The Edinburgh Sleep Centre have created a unique set of educational videos for public consumption in association with Video Jug.

Please view these online videos by clicking on the links below:

  1. Meet the Expert – Dr Irshaad Ebrahim (Videojug)
  2. Sleep Basics
  3. People and Sleep
  4. The Body and Sleep
  5. Insomnia
  6. Sleep Apnoea
  7. Snoring
  8. Narcolepsy
  9. Hypersomnia
  10. Parasomnia
  11. Sleep Paralysis
  12. Effects of Sleep Deprivation
  13. Jet Lag
  14. Women and Sleep
  15. Diagnosis of Sleep Disorders
  16. Dreams
  17. Factors affecting Sleep
  18. Deep Sleep
  19. Sleep Myths